Size guide

Do you need help choosing the dimensions of your Sound Escape soundproof curtains? This page is designed to guide you in the simplest way possible, ensuring you achieve the best noise reduction.

Choosing the Width of Your Curtain

💡 Curtain folds are crucial for noise reduction. A curtain roughly twice as wide as the area covered is needed. 
For example, a curtain that is 100 inches wide is designed to cover between 47 and 56 inches.

   Curtain width:

← Here, it is important to rely on the “Made to Cover” notation.

For example, to cover 40 inches, choose a width of 80 inches. To cover 120 inches, it is ideal to opt for 2 curtains each 120 inches wide.

Choose the Width of Your Curtain

💡 Due to their soundproofing properties, our curtains slightly fold in on themselves once hung.

For example, a curtain with a width of 100 inches is designed to cover between 47 and 56 inches once hung.

Therefore, it is important to rely on the “Made to cover” note when selecting the width of your curtain.

For example, to cover 40 inches, choose a width of 80 inches. To cover 120 inches, it is ideal to opt for 2 curtains of 120 inches each.

Choosing the DROP of Your Curtain

💡 Sound Escape offers customization of your curtains’ drop down to the exact 0.1 inch

Try Our Interactive Size Guide

This new guide helps you find the ideal drop for your curtains
in less than 15 seconds.

Choose the drop of Your Curtain

💡 Sound Escape offers customization of your curtain drop to the exact 0.1 inch.

Use our interactive guide to find the ideal drop for you curtains in less that 15 seconds:

Any more questions? Contact us on this page.

Discover our other guides and articles:

Want to maximize the benefits of your soundproof curtains? Our team of acoustic experts has prepared several detailed guides for this purpose! You will learn, for example, how to properly maintain your curtains, understand how they work, or choose the best color to match your interior decoration.